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March 27, 2018: REMINDER: Bidding Starts at 9:00 AM EPT; Log in Now!

Bidding in Round 1 of the March 2018 SREC Auction begins at 9:00 AM EPT.  Please log in now to accept the terms and conditions of the Auction Software and make any necessary updates to the contact information within your user profile.  Confidential information for participation in the Auction was sent to Qualified Bidders by secure file transfer on March 23, 2018.

Technical assistants will be available to answer any questions and provide support during the Auction.  Please contact the Auction Manager Team at 973-297-0880 to speak with a technical assistant during the Auction.

The Auction Manager is attaching a copy of the Auction schedule; please use the attached schedule or refer to the times provided on the Schedule tab in the Auction Software.

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