July 07, 2011: Starting Price and Correction
The starting price for 2010 SRECs and 2011 SRECs in the July 2011 Auction will be $475/SREC. The block size for the upcoming Auction has been revised to 39 SRECs.
Please note that the previous announcement titled “Expected Number of SRECs and Block Size” should have stated that 2011 SRECs are from energy generated between 6/1/2010 and 5/31/2011.
The number of 2010 SRECs (i.e., SRECs from energy generated between 6/1/2009 and 5/31/2010) is expected to be 1,911 or 49 blocks.
The number of 2011 SRECs (i.e., SRECs from energy generated between 6/1/2010 and 5/31/2011) is expected to be 26,325 or 675 blocks. 473 SRECs out of the 26,325 2011 SRECs are June 2010 SRECs from energy generated on or after June 1, 2010 and on or before June 30, 2010. The June 2010 SRECs will be allocated pro-rata to the winners of the blocks of 2011 SRECs.
Please note that the number of SRECs may be further revised based on the schedule for future SREC Auctions. If such a revision occur, the Auction Manager will inform all bidders no later than one (1) day prior to the Auction scheduled for July 12, 2011.