September 10, 2009: Inivitation to Comment on the Master Solar REC General Terms and Conditions
Public Service Electric and Gas Company (“PSE&G”) is holding quarterly auctions to sell Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (“SRECs”) received as repayments of loans extended under its Solar Loan Program. The first of these auctions is scheduled for January 29, 2010. NERA Economic Consulting is the Auction Manager.
The Auction Manager has posted to the web site a Draft Master Solar Renewable Energy Certificates General Terms and Conditions Agreement (“Draft Master SREC Agreement”). The Auction Manager and PSE&G are inviting prospective bidders to comment on the Draft Master SREC Agreement. All winning bidders in the SREC Auction will be required to sign the final Master SREC Agreement.
All comments received in accordance with the process outlined below will be evaluated by a review committee consisting of representatives from PSE&G and the Auction Manager. The timeline and process for prospective bidders to provide comments on the Draft Master SREC Agreement is as follows:
- The exclusive method for submitting comments is by email. Comments must be submitted by email to Dr. Chantale LaCasse of NERA Economic Consulting, at the following email address:
- PSE&G and the Auction Manager request that prospective bidders submit any proposed changes in tracked changes using Microsoft Word. Prospective bidders may additionally provide explanations for their comments.
- Prospective bidders are required to provide telephone and email contact information in the event that the review committee needs clarification regarding their comments.
- The deadline for interested parties to provide comments is Thursday, October 1, 2009 at noon Eastern Prevailing Time.
- The final Master SREC Agreement, which will incorporate accepted comments, will be posted on October 26, 2009 to the SREC Auction web site,
Please direct any questions regarding this comment process to the “Ask a Question” page on the web site.