FAQ Archives - September 2017 Auction
The FAQs on this page are no longer relevant, as they are from past auctions. These FAQs are posted here only for reference purposes. Do not rely on the information provided on this page for the current auction.
Please provide data for the period April 2008 through August 2017 on the generation and capacity of the EDCs’ SREC program facilities.
The data you request is not currently available on the SREC Auction website. The data would require substantial effort to compile given the diversity of the EDCs’ programs and the time period during which the programs have been active. Sources of data of which we are aware include the publication of the number of SRECs sold at each auction available on the SREC Auction website as well as data published by New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program website (http://www.njcleanenergy.com/renewable-energy/project-activity-reports/project-activity-reports). Each EDC also makes reports to the Board and its Staff regarding their solar programs.
10/17/2017 in
How are the SREC Auction dates determined? Can we provide feedback on this issue?
It is contemplated that there will be between four and twelve auctions per year and the timing of the auctions is not fixed. The EDCs make such decisions in accordance with the requirements of each of their solar programs. Bidders may provide comments on this issue to the SREC Auction Manager through the online form http://solarrec-auction.com/index.cfm?s=contactUs&p=askAQuestion.
10/17/2017 in
How many vintage 2017 SRECs will be available in the Auction on October 17, 2017?
In the SREC Auction scheduled to occur on October 17, 2017, the EDCs estimated that there will be between 1,500 and 2,300 2017 SRECs created in GATS as generation between June 1, 2016 and May 31, 2017. The exact number of SRECs to be sold was provided to each bidder in a qualification notice. The final number of vintage 2017 SRECs sold will be posted to the Previous Results page of the SREC Auction website on the first business day following the close of the Auction.
10/17/2017 in
What is the date of the next auction and where can I find the dates of future auctions?
It is contemplated that there will be between four and twelve auctions per year and the timing of the auctions is not fixed. The date of the December 2017 SREC Auction is tentatively scheduled for December 7, 2017. Bidders are advised of the date of the upcoming auction and the tentative date of the next auction in the SREC Auction Manual Addendum.
10/17/2017 in
Why was the SREC Auction scheduled for September 2017 when the SREC auction that occurs in the Fall generally has been held in October?
It is contemplated that there will be between four and twelve auctions per year and the timing of the auctions is not fixed. The SREC Auction that occurs in the Fall generally has occurred prior to the end of the timeline for compliance with the Renewable Portfolio Standards. The timeline, which has been extended in prior years to November 1, was not extended this year. The SREC Auction was scheduled in September to coincide with the last month prior to the end of the timeline.
10/17/2017 in
Do the EDCs plan to include SRECs generated in August 2017 in the Auction on October 17, 2017?
Yes, in the SREC Auction on October 17, 2017, the EDCs estimated that there will be between 73,000 and 110,000 2018 SRECs available at auction, including SRECs created in GATS as generation in August 2017. The exact number of SRECs to be sold was provided to each bidder in a qualification notice.
10/17/2017 in