FAQ Archives - October 2011 Auction
The FAQs on this page are no longer relevant, as they are from past auctions. These FAQs are posted here only for reference purposes. Do not rely on the information provided on this page for the current auction.-
How and when will I be notified if I win SRECs in the auction?
As Stated in Section V.2.1 of the Bidder Manual, no later than one (1) business day after the close of the Auction, the Auction Manager will notify each winning bidder of the number of SRECs of each vintage that it will purchase, the EDCs from which it will purchase such SRECs and the number to be purchased from each EDC, and the final Auction price for SRECs of each vintage.
10/28/2011 in General
Are Qualification Forms accepted after the deadline?
10/28/2011 in Qualification
When will collateral be returned to bidders who do not win at the Auction?
As stated in Section V.1.1 of the Bidder Manual, the Auction Manager will return the amount of bid assurance collateral to losing bidders within ten (10) days of: (i) the date of completion of the Auction, or (ii) receiving return wire transfer instructions as well as a completed W-9 form, whichever occurs later.
10/28/2011 in General
Is it possible to log into the auction software prior to the day of the auction?
The Auction Software is unavailable except during bidding in the auction and the trial auction. We consider the training session to be essential for all bidders and strongly encourage you to attend. Please also see the Software Manual that was included with your Notification of Qualification to Proceed, as it contains a detailed account of the Auction Software including all the screens and procedures used to bid.
10/25/2011 in Bidding Procedures
How will the Auction Manager determine the EDCs from which a winning bidder will buy SRECs?
As stated in Section V.2.2 of the Bidder Manual, the Auction Manager will determine the number of SRECs of each vintage that each winning bidder will purchase from each EDC in a manner that minimizes the total number of Confirmations executed, and to the extent practicable, equalizes the number of Confirmations executed by each EDC.
10/25/2011 in Bidding Procedures
What will the starting prices be?
As stated in Paragraph I.2.8 of the Bidder Manual, the Auction Manager informs bidders of the starting prices no later than one (1) day prior to the Auction. Consistent with Section 2.19 of the Stipulation on the SREC Auction Process (available here), the Auction Manager expects to set the starting price for each product based on the lower of $475 and current broker quotes or other available market data.
10/18/2011 in General
Where can I find the Master SREC Agreement?
The Master SREC Agreement for the October 2011 SREC Auction has now been posted to the Documents page of the website.
10/17/2011 in Contract
Is there a floor price for this SREC auction?
Section 2.19 of the Stipulation on the SREC Auction Process (available here) states that the starting price of the Auction will be calculated based on the lower of $475 or current broker quotes.
10/17/2011 in Bidding Procedures
Are the EDCs willing to consider a partner in securing long-term SREC Contracts?
This website is only for the New Jersey EDCs’ sale of SRECs. Please direct your question to the relevant EDC:
10/17/2011 in General