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September 01, 2009: Invitation to Conference Call for Prospective Bidders in PSE&G's SREC Auction

Public Service Electric and Gas ("PSE&G") will hold quarterly auctions to sell Solar Renewable Energy Certificates ("SRECs") received as repayments of loans extended to develop solar energy projects.  The first of such auctions is scheduled for January 29, 2010.  

You are invited to attend a Conference Call on Thursday, September 24 at 10 a.m. (Eatern Prevailing Time).  To participate please RSVP.  Representatives from NERA, the Auction Manager, will provide an overview of the auction and discuss the qualification standards, the terms of the standard contract, and the process for submission of bids.  Time is scheduled for questions. 

PSE&G SREC Auction Conference Call:

Thursday September 24, 2009 (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EPT)

Dial-In Information:

Dial-In Number: (877) 322-9654

Conference Cods: 888027

The presentation materials will be provided to participants on the morning of the presentation and will subsequently be posted to our web site. 

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