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November 03, 2009: Final SREC Auction Documents Now Posted

The final version of the Master Solar REC Agreement, incorporating comments from interested parties, was posted to the Documents section of the Auction web site yesterday, November 2. The final version had originally been scheduled to be posted on October 26, but PSE&G and the Auction Manager extended the posting to adequately review submitted comments; we apologize for the delay. 

Final versions of the SREC Bidder Manual and the Qualification Form, updated to conform with the Master SREC Agreement and to clarify selected sections, have also been posted to the Documents section of the Auction web site. 
Additionally, a consent form for the release of bidder information has been posted to the Documents section for the first time.
All interested parties who wish to participate in the SREC Auction starting January 29, 2009 must submit the Qualification Form by Noon, Eastern Prevailing Time (EPT), on December 17, 2009.
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